interwoven edges (2019)
harvard gsd core studio - elements of urban design
fall 2019
instructor: yun fu, peter rowe, rahul mehrotra & michael manfredi
in collaboration with sam naylor
The port area located in South Boston is one of the last remaining sites waiting for the new development. This former industrial area currently consists of under-utilized port facilities and industrial remnants. Yet the site has great geographical potential for waterfront which includes water transportation and fishing activities. At the same time, global trade, tourism, and fishing coalesce through the site in a tenuous symbiotic relationship with each other and the surrounding neighborhoods. The project focuses on such temporal networks as a major underlying force of the site. It envisions a hybridization of the edges between various elements of the site; housing, industrial, commercial, and water.
diagram_building typologies
diagram_open space typologies
ground floor plan
diagram_courtyard parti
section perspective